What do we do?
Mobile Integrate is the first to bring MBC -Mobile Broadband Connectivity to market. We solve one simple problem: how do you provide broadband connectivity to environments where the ROI can never be achieved using traditional methods.

Common Use Cases:
Utilizing LTE technology for faster broadband speed
Upgradable to 5G technology
Installation less than a day to get up and running , Less Intrusive build
Can be utilize as main connectivity or provide failover connectivity for always connected selling point for renters.
Highly secure network
Compatible with DAS and AP systems for connectivity in common areas.
Problems We Solve:
Competing Technologies are expensive, will never reach ROI
Utilizing existing coaxial wiring and power wiring
Less intrusive installation to existing renters and owners
Technology is upgradable with either a software upgrade or modem switch
Real time reporting
Remote Troubleshooting
Failover connectivity for existing broadband connectivity