Epic rover allows clinicians to record documentation and conduct bar code validation at the point of care, typically the patient bedside. Available for iOS, Android and other mobile platforms, Epic Rover connects in real time to Epic’s central data repository, providing access to other information held in the Epic system, like patient lists and charts.
With such a powerful solution for healthcare and clinical mobility, it is essential for your organization to have a Proof of Concept for Epic Rover to demonstrate feasibility. Here are four questions you need to ask yourself to ensure your POC is successful!
Do we have the right RF design for mobile device radios?
Hospitals and device vendors are frustrated when applications and devices do not meet expectations, often resulting in delays and poor adoption user. Prevention costs less than treatment. Our lab validation and assessment discover problems before deployment.
Have we defined what success looks like and how we measure it?
Clinical and IT can have different definitions of a solutions “success”. We will work with your organizations IT, Clinical, Informatics and other teams to define joint success and associated metrics. Pulling data from EMM, MDM, EMR, RTLS, Nurse Call, PBX and other critical data points we will build custom dashboards to measure success for all stakeholders.
How do we determine the "right" solution?
success defined, the next step is to evaluate the industry for the right solutions that meet the clinical and IT needs. Our industry partnerships allow us to recommend the appropriate mobile applications and integrations.
How do we support these devices?
Mobile devices bridge the gap between traditional IT devices (i.e. desktop and laptop) and medical devices (scanners, pumps, etc.). Mobile Integrate can build a support model that compliments existing IT process and alleviate additional burden.
Mobile Integrate works hand in hand with you and your teams to help formulate a cohesive mobile strategy and help deliver a successful POC, deployment and lifecycle management of the project. We help bridge the gap between departments works hand-and-hand with your clinicians and IT on the various parts of a successful mobile strategy including workflows, RF design, call management, security, unified endpoint management, staging and deployment and life cycle management just to name a few.
To make sure you have all the resources you need for a successful Epic Rover proof of concept, we created a FREE Checklist. All you need to to is Click the image below and you'll be directed to the PDF download link!